Monday, September 28, 2009

Kokepelli Tri 2009

Brennon and our sister-in-law, Becky participated this past weekend in the Kokepelli Tri. They both did awesome!!! It was the first time there wasn't any wind at this tri (for awhile) so, they actually were able to swim. It was a beautiful morning!!!

Sportin the wet suit

In the water


I love that he is one of the only ones
smiling during the race!

He finished 3rd place in his age group!!

Cody, Becky and kids.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day

We went to St. George to spend Labor Day. It was so great to be back in God's Country again. The weather was perfect and beautiful! We were able to get a hike in at snow canyon with our awesome friends, Joni and Rich. Then we all went and hung out at the pool for some good R&R!
cute little Joni

Awesome hikers!

Having breakfast at the condo.

Macy is learning to eat all by herself. I love these pics. of her! She does this at almost every meal. I spend 20 minutes just cleaning her off. She will not let us feed her! She is getting old, It is so fun but so sad that my baby is growing up so fast!!!