Sunday, September 21, 2008

My TRi Guy!

I just want to Brag for a minute about my Husband.......He is pretty awesome! He participated in the Kokepelli Tri. this weekend and he came in 1st in his age group, 7th over all, and 2nd in the trifecta results (which is the last set of races including; S.G. tri, Summer Games and Kokepelli). He is amazing! He works so hard training and puts alot of effort into this sport. He amazes me- I love being one of the only wives who is at the finish line waiting when everyone else is still at the other end of the race.... Go Brennon! (Oh and well he looks pretty hot too with his lean muscle running machine for a body!)


Kerryne said...

Bren you ROCK! I am very impressed! Keep up the good work!

Kerryne said...

Not sure where we are moving yet... but I am leaving end of October and will be in Utah for at least a few months. I am going to stay with Shelli so as soon as I get there I will give you her number and my new cell number. Bjay will be here until December and then he will have to go do some training somewhere (Vegas, probably) so while he does that I will stay in Utah. Could be more like 6 months... not sure.

Unknown said...

Brennon, you are awsome... when r you going to take me on another race?

Gilchrist Gang said...

He is such a STUD! Give it up already and starting eating! Peanut Bars...anyone? You know that we love ya and think that you are amazing! Good luck on Sat. at the marathon.