Saturday, October 11, 2008


Brennon and our friend Josh just crossed the finish line. Way to go!

Okay, so I know I haven't updated anything about the Marathon because I don't have that many cool pics. to show yet. (They are all on Nancy's camera.)I will tell you that it was a cold and rainy day. Brennon did awesome coming in at 3 hours and 59 min. I was right by the finish line and was able to watch the first people come in which included our friend, Kara Bankhead who came in around 3 hours 02 min. ( something crazy like that.) I have never been to a Marathon and now I know why I will never run in one. I saw an extreme number of people pass out at the end and people who just really did not look very good. Why oh why do people like to do this to themselves is beyond me. I thought I was going to faint just watching the runners finish and collapse in the arms of the National Guard who carried them off to a tent for medical help. I am definitely proud of Brennon and I have a new respect for all my awesome friends who run this every year and for the ones who have done it even once! way to go! I think I will stick to 5 and 10k's.


Shannon said...

So whats going on? I tried to call you today but your line just rang and rang! Did you move yet? Whats happening in the area? Update me! Good job to Brennon! I would love to run a marathon but as Ive mentioned before- I dont like to feel my insides move!

Shannon said...

Lindsey! I have tried to call your number twice now! I have been wanting to know if you had moved yet and what your plans were. Lucky you for getting to stay longer but dont you feel silly now since you jumped the gun and asked to be released? Oh well, enjoy! I still miss your goofiness!