Friday, October 24, 2008


Grandma Bea, Lindsey, Mom, Dad, Tera, Macy, Brennon, Zach, and Bryton


Kerryne said...

what a good lookin bunch you all are. I hope to see you sometime while I am in utah. I know your not moving back until jan but will you be there for Christmas or anything? I leave in 2 days... aaaaaaa... I am so nervous. I hate change. Makes me sick to my stomach. Love you sugs

PhillipsFamily said...

Yay know we are blogging friends! I am glad you are staying down here for a little longer, we will get togther soon and have a lunch date with Molly!

Heather and Trevor said...

Hey! I didn't know that you had a blog! I am so adding you to our list! Ours is private so send me your e-mail to and I can add you k? Now we can keep in touch on here! So fun! Sucks that the Tri was cancelled. You will have to come down for one again! :)

DeMille Family said...

You are moving! We need to get together before you go! Perhaps we could go sledding again! I know we live closer but now that you are moving I will probably never see you. It seems like you just moved down to SG. I love the pictures it's fun to see your fam!

Courtney said...

yeah, well that is the #1 reason to move there: the Millas!....but your leaving!

DeMille Family said...

Yes, you do have some other DeMille Family on your blog. That's funny! Mine is
I cant believe someone else has one so similar and they even live in Utah!

mindi johns safran said...

Wow i love it i miss the family. Tell mom and dad i said hello. and love you guys